SIMONA AG - Water Piping Systems

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The strain exerted on the interior surfaces of a plastic pipe by abrasion and impact can be considerable, e.g. during the hydraulic transport of solid materials such as sand, gravel or loose rocks. Coextruded SIMONA® PE 100 Pipes feature integral or additional interior skins made of high-molecular-weight PE or modified polyolefins. Boasting high abrasion resistance, they are capable of withstanding extreme mechanical loads. Owing to their improved properties, SIMONA® Multilayer Pipes have opened up entirely new fields of application. In Norway, for example, they have replaced steel pipes previously used for transportation purposes on trawlers in the fishing industry. Not only do plastic pipes - featuring smooth and durable interior surfaces - prevent damage to the catch, they also have a longer service life thanks to their high level of corrosion resistance.

  • SIMONA AG , Kirn (DE)
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Eingestellt am: 11.11.2013
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