
Custom Polymers, Inc.

700 Tuckaseegee Road
US - 28211 Charlotte, NC USA

Geschäftsfeld: Herstellung/Produktion
Absatzgebiet: EU-weit
Branchenzugehörigkeit: Kunststoffrecycling/-verwertung
Extensive industry knowledge, competitive pricing, dedicated logistics, and multi-lingual capabilities have made Custom Polymers a welcomed partner in over 50 countries worldwide. Founded in 1996, we are a global recycling company headquartered in Charlotte, NC, specializing in the recycling of ALL thermoplastics, both post-consumer and post-industrial, regardless of form. This ability to handle all types and forms of materials allows us to develop turnkey plastic scrap recycling solutions which yields lower costs, landfill diversion, and financial benefits both to our suppliers and customers.


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