Emballage - Manutention 2014 TEASER 2014

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As the production chain becomes increasingly integrated, 2014 marks the joint re-launch of two trade shows: EMBALLAGE and MANUTENTION exhibition. This biennal event will be held from 17th November to 20th November in Paris-Nord Villepinte. Combining 4 of the sector's key industries (Packaging, Processing, Printing, Handling) it brings together nearly 100,000 international professionals and 1,500 exhibitors.

The EMBALLAGE exhibition, the capital place of innovative packaging

Every two years, the international packaging exhibition gathers the key packaging industry players from food, beverages and liquids, beauty, luxury, health, cosmetics, retail and consumer goods over 4 days of exchanges, demonstrations, and product presentations...

EMBALLAGE delivers a global offer which highlights the innovation strength of the packaging sector.
- Primary materials, consumables, films
- Process and packaging machines
- Identification, traceability, marking, coding machines
- Secondary, tertiary, packaging and shipping machines
- Packaging and containers
- Converting, printing packaging, labels

The MANUTENTION exhibition, the capital place of innovative handling

The MANUTENTION exhibition, organised with the support of CISMA, proposes materials and services for the smart warehouse, a perfect complement to the end of line sector of the EMBALLAGE exhibition. It is also an innovative trend laboratory of a rapidly-changing and increasingly automated intralogistics. 4 sectors to discover:
- Continuous handling / automated systems
- Logistic services & IT systems, other services
- Storage equipments & warehouse equipments
- Lifting equipment / industrial trucks

  • Comexposium , Paris La Défense cedex (FR)
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Eingestellt am: 28.02.2014
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