
Wood Mackenzie

22 Bishopsgate
26th Floor
GB - EC2N 4BQ London

Geschäftsfeld: Dienstleistung
Absatzgebiet: europaweit
Branchenzugehörigkeit: Beratung/Consulting
Wood Mackenzie is the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources.

In the middle of an energy revolution, businesses and governments need reliable and actionable insight to lead the transition to a sustainable future. That’s why we cover the entire supply chain with unparalleled breadth and depth, backed by over 50 years’ experience in natural resources.

Today, our team of over 2,000 experts operate across 30 global locations, inspiring customers’ decisions through real-time analytics, consultancy, events and thought leadership. Together, we deliver the insight they need to separate risk from opportunity and make bold decisions when it matters most.


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